Monday, October 1, 2007

Hello, Nicole. Couple of questions: do you know how to contact that mom who said she would dance sometime at CSR. Telesta said she thought is was Ketzavong's mom. Ring a bell? Also, do I send stuff for the newsletter to you or is someone else doing it for Oct? I will be out of town Oct 4-11, but I will check my email and this blog. Thanks, Betsy.

Dave, is this the appropriate use for this or should I just send Nicole a regular email?

Pat, have we heard back about using the highschool cafeteria?


Dave H. said...

Using the blog to ask people questions is fine - there's really no right or wrong way to use this blog. Asking very specific questions that nobody else in the PTO would understand or be interested in might be better done with email.

David Harrison said...
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