Thursday, September 27, 2007

Why a blog?

This blog will give PTO members a way to communicate online, collaborate on PTO projects, and share ideas. We could also use this to post minutes from our meeting. Or a copy of the newsletter. The general idea is to keep things moving ahead, in-between our regularly scheduled meetings (next one is set for October 17th).

At last night's meeting, we talked a lot about the International Dinner (November 2nd - mark your calendar!). Pat T. said she'd check with Monroe High about using their cafe, so that we'll have a little more elbow room. Pat P. and Betsy F. talked about what kind of entertainment we've used in the past, and everyone (Mary B., Rob L., Jezie R., Gail C., and Carla C.) talked about what we'd like to try this year. International dancing seems to be a worthwhile avenue for exploration, since it helps the kids burn off some energy and fits so well with the mission of CSR. So much depends upon venue, we'll keep everyone updated about what happens!