Monday, December 3, 2007

December newsletter

CSR Parent Teacher Organization
December 2007
Parents, Guardians, Sponsors
Brave the cold and please join us!!!
CSR PTO meeting on
Wednesday December 12
7:00 to 8:00 at CSR
• Town Meeting with Academic Intervention Specialist Joe Saia about our school’s “report card” and the implications.
• Help plan January’s Family Fun Night!
• Hear about our Winter Fundraiser -- Equal Exchange (Fair Trade) Coffee and Chocolate.
• Meet other parents, voice your concerns, and ask questions
Childcare available

Parents in the Lunchroom:

So far 13 parents have come in to spend lunch with their child and help out in the lunchroom. It really is great and helps. Please donate kids’ magazines and books, or paper and pencils, it helps the kids a lot after their lunch is finished.

Call Betsy Frarey for more info.

CSR staff is collecting donated items for families in need right in our school. Items needed include new or gently used winter clothing, jackets, shoes, boots, socks of all sizes. Mr. Abukar of the Somali Bantu Community Association has also made a list of needed items that includes sheets, blankets, boots and shoes, jackets, dishes, pillows, curtains, socks, diapers for children under 3, and grocery gift cards, Please give what you can. Donations can be brought to Ms. Barnes or Ms. Rice. Please see Ms. Rice to learn about a way to help feed families in need. Please give what
you can.

Need a ride to school for briefing, conference, or class performance?
Call Parent Liaison Mary Barnes to arrange for free taxi service.

Anyone can read and make comments to this blog. If you’d like to post new items, or if you’d like to receive the PTO newsletter electronically, please e-mail David Harrison.

Please send in ideas, photos, or anything you’d like to see in the newsletter or online.


Another busy November has gone by and what a wonderful month of activities we had!

The International Dinner was spectacular and I kept looking around the Monroe Cafeteria thinking, “How did we ever fit this in at CSR?” I am always touched by the Thanksgiving luncheon; it’s another example of how we find the common thread amongst the cultural fabric here! None of our activities could take place if not for the many volunteers.

We also had our first band performance and I wasn’t the only one who had a few tears watching our children perform at briefings and concerts. On behalf of all the kids,
thanks to everyone who contributes to all we offer here.

Please come to the Town Meeting to hear the preliminary data from our “School Report Card” and the implications for the future for CSR. When the data is officially announced and no longer preliminary, we may be on the State’s “Watch List” and we will all need to understand and strategize in order to keep moving forward.

The Children’s School continues to be one of the few places where partnerships between staff and parents are sincere and productive. The workgroups are the governing bodies, and membership that includes parents and staff truly benefit the children who attend this school. We are in need of parents to serve on our six workgroups. Please call Mary Barnes or see me if you want more information on the
workgroups or if you can become a member.

Join us on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 8:55 to 9:15 for briefing. On December 14, rehearsal for our annual rendition of “What a Wonderful World” will start at 8:30
and we’ll sing it to the students during briefing.

Stay warm!

At the November meeting, school librarian Melissa Frost shared some of the great
online resources available for CSR staff, students and families. The school district
pays for these sites and the content is safe for kids. Go to the CSR library portal for more information. Did you know that the school has an online library catalog and that parents can borrow up to 5 books? Our kids are online, ask them to show you. Or stop by the library, and ask for a handout detailing available online resources.

Congratulations to CSR students for being third in the district for the technology
proficiency test – a great accomplishment!

The Children’s School Of Rochester

Parent Teacher Organization
Patty Polcyn , Co-chair
Carla Copper, Co-chair
Lisa Button, Secretary
Betsy Frarey, Treasurer
Nicole Rosen, Fundraising
Mary Barnes, Parent Liaison
Dave Harrison, Communications

All proceeds from our fundraisers support PTO events such as the International Dinner, Family Fun Night, Spring Picnic, as well as many classroom projects! Your hard work at fundraising helps all our children.

The PTO committee always welcomes your participation either as a committee member or one-time volunteer. If you are willing to help in any capacity, call any of the officers. Thank you!